The Chordsmen in Concert
The Chordsmen in Concert
When: January 26 at 2pm (doors open at 1:15pm, concert starts at 2pm) Where: Clovis (more)
I was blessed to be born into a home that knew God and worshiped Him as the Creator. Unfortunately I was a preacher’s kid which meant I was always held to a higher standard because of my father’s position. But, that also meant I was exposed to the wonders of God grace and how He works through His people despite their flaws.
When I was about twelve, I found the wonder of radio. Transistor radios had just come out and I loved to take them apart and see how they worked. However, I went through a lot of radios because I couldn’t seem to get them back together correctly every time. Though I loved to listen to music, I was more intrigued with the DJs. I would sneak my radio into bed and hide it under my pillow while I was going to sleep. If my mom or dad came into the room I would have my finger on the volume dial and quickly turn it off so my radio would not get confiscated.
During my teen years, I found myself straying from God and the church. My life then became a series of disappointing adventures. However, God’s promise is true where He says, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” As the lies of the world were revealed in my life and each path I traveled became a dead end, I finally found my way back to God. He never left me nor forsook me, and the prayers of many were heard as God drew me to Him through His love and grace.
As I accepted the promise found in my favorite verse, Romans 8:1 that “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”, I began a journey back to God, church and my family. I dedicated my life to God, and at the age of 35 went back to school and received my Bachelor’s Degree in communications in hopes of becoming one of the voices on the radio I had heard so many years before.
Sharing God’s love and mercy on the Promise FM is a joy surpassed only by the love of my Savior, my wife, my four children, and my nine grandchildren. Knowing that what I do can help change a life, as mine has been changed, is worth more than I can put into words. To God be the Glory!