Liberty Quartet / California Melody Boys
Northwest Church 5415 N West Ave, Fresno, CA, United StatesDon't miss this amazing evening of music and worship with Liberty Quartet form Boise, Id. (more)
Don't miss this amazing evening of music and worship with Liberty Quartet form Boise, Id. (more)
Enrollment for K4 - 8th grade is open at New Testament Baptist Schools - a (more)
Dinner will be provided for the whole family each night from 5:30-6:00 pm Children (more)
Sierra View Junior Academy, a TK-10th grade private Christian school, is currently accepting applications for (more)
Come enjoy The Collingsworth Family and The Chordsmen, Southern Gospel music at its finest, at (more)
Get away to the mountains for a CRAZY AWESOME time! It will be a retreat much (more)
“Their sound has gone out into all the earth…their words to the ends of the (more)
Armona SDA church is having a guest speaker: Ernie Layon from City Exodus Ministries. Ernie (more)
DATE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12 TIME: 7:00 P.M. TICKET PRICES: $42 Grammy Award-winning Christian artist, Chris Tomlin is (more)